Monitoring Breast Health
In 1940, 1 in every 40 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Today the American Cancer Society estimates 1 in every 8 women in the US ( for the Pacific Northwest it's 1 in 7 women) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. With the statistics as they currently are, it's time to get more serious about monitoring breast health.
Women should no longer wait passively until they are told they have
breast cancer. We can be actively involved in monitoring our breast health.
Proactivity and prevention are possible.​ If done properly, medical thermography can be an highly effective tool for monitoring breast health.
We live in a day and age where we must live preventatively and proactively for our health. We monitor our dental health. We carefully watch our heart health. Many of us now consider our digestive health. Let's include our breast health. Breast Thermography provides women with a detailed assessment of their breast health. At BodyLife Imaging, women always receive their images and report after their thermal imaging appointment. BodyLife Imaging reports contains a TH Score, a Hormonal Grade for Estrogen Activity and Specific Temperature Differences. (see What is Breast Thermography for more information.) This valuable data works together to provide a full picture of their breast health. With this information, women can then make intentional lifestyle changes to improve their breast health. With each follow-up report, breast health can easily be monitored by comparing insights from previous reports against the new reports to detect areas of improvement and progress.
The method matters. As mentioned above, medical thermography is only helpful if done properly. Here are a few things to look for when considering a breast thermography provider
In the technology of thermography, following quality control protocols is essential for accurate results. These quality control measures start with using the right equipment and the correct temperature & environment of the imaging room. Just as important is the patient following a set protocol before and during imaging. Accuracy is dependent on quality control.
The most advance equipment will TAKE the images in greyscale and then convert them to various color palettes. The color palettes are used to study heat patterns, while the greyscale offers high resolution images where vascularity and hormonal grade can be studied. The greyscale images offer more information.
A Board Certified Breast Thermologist is best to interpret the images. This is a doctor with advanced training in thermology and further advanced training in breast thermology. A trained expert.
The most beneficial reports contain a TH Score, a Hormonal Grade for Estrogen Activity, and the Patient’s Specific Temperature Differences. This is information specific to that individual woman.